Our first task was to practice with the pen tool and cut out an image of a person (eg model) ready for the next lesson. I chose possibly on of the hardest pictures to cut...not the ideal for a beginner!
The most important skill to note from the lesson was how to make a new layer. This is an essential skill needed in photoshop as it enables you to edit, modify and alter the original without the risk of permanently changing the image. You can therefore edit and play around with each layer separately with the ability to swap layers around.
After cropping the people out, we were then taught how to make shadows (thick/thin/dark/heavy...)
The next step was appyling text, changing the colour, rotating it and enlarging it. This was fairly simple as it was very similar the way you would do it in Microsoft Word.
Finaly, a background was applied. I had difficulty finding a large enough background on Google Images but eventually decided to crop my photograph on all sides whilst using a 6.59 MB landscape of the Chrysler Building in New York.